There Aren’t Enough Naps in the World [Blog]

Welcome to the blog where I tell you how tired I am.

First off, I’m so tired.

I spent a lot of time and effort getting the book out onto the market and it’s been pretty draining, to be honest. A lot of it is fights with the fraud police, a lot of it is actual hours dedicated to the project. I figured I’d give myself a break when it got put out, but realized I’m only just getting started. I gotta market, man, marketing is the rough part.

I am astounded and absolutely overcome with gratitude for the response I’ve received from every single one of you who’ve bought copies of Hell Cat. It’s been emotional just based on the fact that I’ve received such support from everyone. You gotta start with the fans you made before you’ve even published the book, and you all are proving that it definitely works that way. I love all the pictures people are taking of themselves holding the books it makes it all feel so… real, I suppose.

Now the real big thing I’m excited about. I can not wait to hear what you think! Send me a message, let the internet know, just put out what you think of it. If it actually ends up that it’s garbage and I just have a too-big opinion of myself, let me know that too so I can get better. But, please, let me know when you’ve read it. It’s so validating to have people holding a physical copy of my book in their hands, but it’s going to feel even better once I hear back from you all.

Back to being tired.

Since I put the book out, I’ve been getting back to work with a vengeance. Really busting my but to get all the hours I can because the holidays are here and I am, what they call in the writing world, broke. It’s a good reminder of why I have such a lofty goal. I don’t mind cleaning pools. I get a decent workout, I get to listen to whatever I want all day, I get to be outside, I get to work on my own. At the same time, I come home every day and have to fight the urge to take a nap. Let me tell ya, I don’t fight that urge very hard sometimes. My goal is to be exhausted at the end of the day because I was able to hit the gym, do yoga, and then emotionally exhaust myself by writing and editing. Right now I get home and it’s hard to even have the motivation to write a blog, let alone start working on a new project.

Just gotta sell my book, that’s all there is to it.

Last time I wrote, I said I was going to make blogs a Patreon exclusive thing. Over time I realized that it was sort of an unfair ultimatum. One of the big points of this thing is to get people to care about my work. The people on Patreon already care enough to give me a few bucks, I just gotta keep working on the rest of you guys.

So far, all the money I’ve made from Patreon has gone to writer things, and I plan on keeping that pattern up. After Patreon’s cut, donations to charity set aside, and ten percent given to other Patreons, I ended up with about $50 which is exactly what I need to pay back Ann for the cover art.

I need to market my book. You all are doing a real amazing job and I really appreciate you all. Things won’t really take off until I get strangers to start buying though. I need to advertise.

Facebook advertising starts at $5 a day, and I’m hesitant because I hear questionable things about how Facebook advertising works. Still, I want to try it.

Amazon advertisement or, “becoming a featured book”, starts at $100. I feel like they’ve got the most to gain by actually advertising my product, so I’m going to go that route first.

A few more people have thrown in their two bucks, and I’m sitting at about $65 after all is said and done for January. I’m not gonna say I’m not going to spend my own money to cover the rest of advertising. That’s a guilt trip I don’t want to put anyone through. But, if you do feel like giving me two dollars per month, please check out my Patreon at:

I’m also very curious to hear from everyone. If you do not want to donate, give me some reasons why not. Is it the site? Is it the pitch? Do you hate art? Give me some ideas of what would be some better incentive to get two bucks from you. Send me a message on Facebook, I promise there will be no pressure, no judgment, just conversation. I’d really like to figure all this out and you all are my sounding board whether you like it or not.

(Love you)

Everything about getting my book to be popular is up to me, and I recognize that. You all are astounding in how much you’ve been engaging and sharing and I can’t thank you enough. But, in the end, I’m the author and I’ve got to figure this shit out. I’ll keep everyone updated as I go for tips and tricks on how to get your art to buy your groceries.

There is one big thing you can do, though.

I have been doing my research after all.

Give my book a five-star review! The better rating I get with the more votes I get raises my discover-ability immensely. I understand if you want to read the book first. Please do so. The more detailed the description the more people have to go on to see if it’s the right book for them. Don’t want that burden on your shoulders? A one sentence, “this is the best thing i’ve ever read!” will do. Quality is important, of course, but in this biz, it looks like quantity gets your books sold.

I’m sure there are even a few of you out there who just bought the book to be supportive. As hard as it is to say, some people just aren’t readers. No worries mate. Still do me a solid and give me a five-star review.

If I were a shyster I would tell you to get all your friends together and just have a party where you get on Amazon, write reviews even though you’ve never even seen the cover, and cheer to my good health.

But I have integrity and want this book to sell based on its own merits.

So, once you read the book. Write a review. If you want to know what else you can do to help, do that. It’s really important.

If you haven’t bought the book yet, go do that. It’s $10 for a paperback and $1 for the digital version. Hell, if you aren’t the reader type just buy the dollar version. The goal of this isn’t to make money, it’s to get my work out there.

I’ll emphasize again. I can not wait for you to tell me what you think. I’ve been sitting on this project for three years and my sensitive Pisces artist soul needs validation, or constructive criticism, whichever you come out of the end of that book with.

I love you all. Thank you so much for sticking with me. I really do you all and the love I’ve felt in return has thawed this frozen heart of mine.

The “Make My Book Go Viral” challenge will run until the end of December. Get a picture of yourself holding the book and you could win a free signed copy of Hell Cat – Act II when it comes out early 2020.

Also, if anyone has any advice on how to advertise a book I would love it if you threw me a life vest.

Love your life.

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